A walking-beam furnace is a continuous furnace, whose blanks are transported by means of the cyclical forward-backward motion of water-cooled beams. The transportation principle of the blanks is similar to the one used in walking-hearth furnaces. Differences are related to water-cooled beams.
The main advantage of WBF is a quadraple, or the quickest heating of blanks.
The main disadvantage is a network of water-cooled beams (support tubes), thus leading to considerable heat losses with cooling water. The service temperature reaches 1.250 °C.
Our lining systems guarantee quick and easy installation, good heat insulation, and overall savings on power costs. The wide range of heat insulation materials allows us to perform successful repair and maintenance of walking-hearth furnaces.
Keralit specialists developed CERALIT heat insulation two-layer blocks for the lining of skid pipes. These blocks are characterized by simple and quick installation, as well as a long inter-repair stability.
CERALIT insulation blocks have a good track record at a variety of iron and steel plants of Russia and the CIS countries.
The furnace wall lining is multi-layered:
Tamping of burner tunnels is provided with plastic mixture CERALIT PLAST BK70008.
The furnace roof lining is multi-layered:
The lining of the exhaust gas system, recuperator and chimney stack are made of various lightweight gunned castables, as well as insulation fire-clay grog concretes.